
Investing in Our Community's Future: Support BPACF Today!

Join BPACF in our commitment to accessibility, inclusivity, and community empowerment. Since our inception, we’ve upheld a promise to provide essential services and programming without membership fees, ensuring equal access for all. Any size donation is appreciated!

Your contributions assist our work that includes:

  • Intergenerational Engagement: Our work is deeply intergenerational spanning across the career continuum.  These low-cost/no-cost gatherings serve as a platform for individuals of all ages to exchange ideas, insights, and experiences, fostering growth and collaboration within our community.

  • Free “Emerging Professionals” Programming: Tailored for youth/young adults aged 17-24, removing financial barriers to career advancement. This includes the BPACF Scholars Program, The Career Connect Internship Program, and the College-to-Career Series

  • The Black Professional Quarterly Magazine: Since 2021, this intergenerational e-magazine has celebrated our community, provides relevant content, and keeps you updated on BPACF programming and events. There is no cost for the e-subscription.

    Donate Today! Consider monthly or one-time donations to support our work. Become a Friend of the Foundation and get a paper copy of The Black Professional Magazine

    Unlock the Power of Planned Giving: Join Us in Building a Lasting Legacy with the BPACF Endowment Fund

    Discover the power of leaving a lasting legacy with the Black Professionals Association Charitable Foundation Honoring Allmond, Baker, and Harris (“BPACF Fund”). Established in February 1996 by our visionary co-founders, the intent was to grow the fund and create a sustainable stream of revenue in support of scholarships and/or operations of the Foundation.

    Donate Today

    • Make a one-time donation or annual donation for yourself
    • Make a Memorial Contribution to honor a loved one, colleague, or mentor

    Click the button to donate directly to the BPACF Fund.

    Give purpose to your planned giving

    Interested in planned giving to the BPACF Fund?  We work in collaboration with the Cleveland Foundation who manages our Fund. To get started, contact Laurie Murphy, BPACF Executive Director at

    Thank you in advance for joining BPACF in shaping a brighter future for all!